嵐の塔・金鹿の学級 Tower in a Storm (Golden Deer)
(王国領・コナン塔の近く 昼)
Near Conand Tower (Kingdom Territory) | Daytime
クロード: さて、先生。ここが件の塔らしいぞ。塔って割には、随分とでかいな……。
Claude: Say, Teach. This must be the tower, don't you think? Even for a tower, it's pretty.. er, towering.
Choice 1: 要塞みたいだ It's more like a fortress.
Choice 2: 攻めにくそう It would prove difficult to attack.
クロード: かつての戦争の名残ってやつだな。賊の癖にまあご立派なねぐらを見つけたもんだ。
Claude: It's a remnant of ancient wars... These thieves certainly found themselves a great place to nest.
I hear their leader, Miklan, is a former noble. It makes sense he would already know about this place.
ギルベルト: 数百年前、この辺りは攻め寄せる北方の民を迎え撃つ、要所の一つだった。
Gilbert: Several hundred years ago, this was an important stronghold for diffusing invasions from the north.
Back then, this tower was built for both surveillance and defense. It will be difficult to seize it.
クロード: ええと……ギルベルトさん、でしたっけ。さすが王国出身、お詳しい。
Claude: Gilbert, isn't it? You hail from the Kingdom, right? No wonder you're so knowledgeable.
While we're chatting so amicably... Do you mind if I ask some questions?
ギルベルト: ああ……構わない。私に答えられることであればな。
Gilbert: I don't mind. If I can answer them, I will.
クロード: ギルベルトさんは、“破裂の槍”ってのを見たことがあるんですか?
Claude: Have you ever seen the Lance of Ruin?
ギルベルト: ……かつて、現物を見たことがある。立派だが、どこか禍々しい槍だった。
Gilbert: I have. A long time ago. It was an impressive, if not eerily ominous, weapon to behold.
According to Margrave Gautier, Miklan has used the lance to turn the tables on his pursuers.
クロード: 紋章のない奴でも使えるんですか?聞いてた話と違うな……。
Claude: Is that right? Then those without a Crest can use it as well... Interesting. As far as I knew, that wasn't possible.
And then we have the mythical Sword of the Creator, which can't be used by anyone except Teach, Crest or no Crest.
Maybe you're just that special, Teach. Or maybe there's something you're not telling us. Either way, I expect great things from you in this battle.
Choice 1: 任せてくれ Leave it to me.
クロード: ははっ、強気に出たな。良いことだ。俺も頑張ってみるとするよ。
Claude: Ha! I love a good show of confidence. I'll do my best too. You can count on it.
Choice 2: クロードの協力がないと…… I'm relying on you, Claude.
クロード: なら、その“天帝の剣”を俺が使えるようにしてくれよ。
Claude: Are you now? Then why don't you hand over the Sword of the Creator for a bit?
Then again, it would just be a heavy blade in my hands. There's no justice in this world, Teach.
クロード: おっと、雨が強くなってきた。さっさと片づけちまおう。
Claude: Ugh, the rain is really coming down now. Let's finish this quickly.